
Registration Policies

Continuing students register according to the schedule posted on the Registrar’s Website. New students are enrolled for their initial term by their Success Advisor. Students may alter their schedules for any given term until the end of Change of Course Days for that term.

Continuing students not planning to enroll for a subsequent semester must complete the formal Leave of Absence of Withdrawal process through the Office of Success Advising.

Definition of a Semester Hour of Credit

Manchester’s guidelines for defining the approximate amount of work required for one semester hour of credit is as follows:  For a course composed of classroom instruction, a semester hour of credit would normally involve 14 to 15 meeting times each semester with each lecture class meeting for 50 minutes. For one credit of a laboratory course the student should have three to four hours of laboratory instruction each week of the semester.

For each hour of classroom instruction the student is expected to do two hours of preparation. Therefore, a typical three semester hour credit course over a semester would include 43 to 44 hours of class meetings and 86 to 88 hours of student work out of the classroom.


Advising: Continuing students should select their courses with the assistance of their academic advisor. All new first-year and transfer students must meet with their academic advisor and receive authorization to be able to register online. Returning students that received authorization in the Spring will not need to receive it again the following Fall.

Registration for classes: Students may register online through Spartan Self-Service during specific times listed by the Registrar.

Student Load: Twelve semester hours is the minimum full-time load; however, enrollment in 14-15 semester hours of credit is considered a normal load. A student may enroll for more than 18 semester hours during a regular semester if that student has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. No student will be permitted to enroll for more than 21 semester hours of credit without permission from the Academic Standards Committee.

Schedule Changes: Students may make adjustments to their schedules during the first week of regular semesters and the first three days of January or summer sessions designated as Change of Course days. Course changes after Change of Course days require the Change of Course Web Form with approvals from the course instructor and academic advisor.

Students may withdraw from a course and receive a grade of W during the first 2/3 of the semester or session. Students who withdraw after the deadline will receive a grade of WF. Students who do not withdraw, but stop attending class, will receive a grade of UW. Both the WF and UW grades count as 0 (F) in the grade point average.

Students receive credit only for courses in which they are officially enrolled. Dropping or withdrawing from a course without completing the Change of Course process will result in a UW grade.

Pass/Not Pass Option: Students who have completed one semester at Manchester and are not on academic probation may convert a maximum of four courses in their graduation plans to pass/not pass during the first 2/3 of the semester or session. After that date students who withdraw under the Pass/Not Pass option will receive a grade of NP. A full explanation of the P/NP regulations is outlined in the Manchester University Undergraduate Catalog.


Detailed core, major, and minor course lists are shown in the Manchester University Undergraduate Catalog. Students may earn a degree by fulfilling requirements of any Catalog in effect while enrolled, provided these requirements are dated no more than seven years prior to the year the degree is to be awarded. EACH STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR UNDERSTANDING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE AND FOR SCHEDULING COURSES TO FULFILL THOSE REQUIREMENTS. Assistance interpreting requirements is available from academic advisors or the Registrar.

Students must complete the Election of Major during the second half of the sophomore year prior to enrolling for the next semester. Students seeking an Associates degree should file this form at the end of their first year. The Election of Major/Minor Web Form is available on the Registrar's ChetNet site.


The following forms must be filed with the Registrar in order to graduate. Please review the following descriptions and determine when you must file these forms.

Election of Major: Students intending to complete a Bachelor's degree should complete the EOM form during the second semester of the sophomore year. Those intending to complete an AA degree should complete the EOM in the spring semester of their first year. EOMs must be filed before registration for the next semester.

Graduation Application: The Graduation Application is due by December 1 of the final year of attendance. It is accessed via the Graduation Overview module in Spartan Self-Service. The application becomes available to students after they've completed 90 credits.


All accounts are to be paid in full by August 1 (or early move-in date) for the fall semester and by January 1 for the spring semester (Click here to view charges). Fees for summer courses must be paid by the first day of class. Methods of payment accepted include:

  • Check or money order payable to Manchester University, mailed to:

Manchester University
Attention: SFS
604 E. College Ave
North Manchester, IN 46962

  • In Person payment - Check, cash or money order
    Payments can be made Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Student Financial Services Office located in the Chinworth Center
  • Online Payment Options through the Student Account Center
    Students can access the Student Account Center through Gateway. Parents/others that have been added as an Authorized User can access through the Student Financial Services website.
  • Monthly payment options - See the Spartan Payment Plans. Manchester University offers Spartan Payment Plans for interest- free, monthly payments. Yearly and semester only plans are available. Student and parents will enroll through the Student Account Center. Full details are available at

Students with unpaid balances may lose current enrollment and will not be allowed to register for any subsequent terms.

Students are not fully registered, nor will they have the privilege of class attendance or use of University facilities until their charges are paid. A service charge of $30, may be added to any unpaid balance in the student account as of the last working day of each month.


Refund Tuition/Fees

In the case of official withdrawal from the University is made according to the following schedules:

Fall and/or spring semester refund schedule

  • Withdrawal before the official start of classes: 100 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during Change of Course days: 100 percent refund less $250 cancellation fee
  • Withdrawal during the second week (6-10 class days): 75 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during the third and fourth weeks: 50 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during the fifth and sixth weeks: 25 percent refund
  • Withdrawal after the sixth week: No refund

Summer session refund schedule

  • Withdrawal before the official start of classes: 100 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during Change of Course days: 100 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during class days 2 - 4: 75 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during class days 5 - 8: 50 percent refund
  • Withdrawal during class days 9 - 12: 25 percent refund
  • Withdrawal after class day 12: No refund

    No refunds are made for the student activities fee or residential hall program fee (if applicable) is made after the official start of classes

Refund of Room/Board 

Housing refunds are not available to students who accept occupancy in a room and then are released from a housing contract to live at home or to move off campus. Occupancy is understood to mean staying in an assigned residence hall room one or more nights. Students who remain enrolled at the University and choose to leave the pre-paid board (meal) plan are refunded based on the schedules above. 

Changes in Credit Hours

Students are allowed to make course load changes during the Change of Course Days and the student's financial aid and billing information will be adjusted accordingly to accommodate the change in enrollment based on the published charges.

Students who complete a partial withdrawal (fall below 12 hours) after the published Change of Course Days will not receive a refund of tuition/fees and/or room/board charges. 

Increases in credit hours will be charged at the appropriate tuition/fee charges and financial aid will be calculated accordingly.

Students must maintain enrollment in six or more semester hours to qualify for in-school loan deferment.

January Session enrollment may affect a student enrolled less than full time for spring semester. Contact Student Financial Services for details.


Any student considering full withdrawal after the beginning of classes initiates the process by scheduling an Exit Interview via the Office of Student Success. Withdrawal is not official or final until the Withdrawal Form is completed and submitted.

A student who leaves the University or a class without completing the official withdrawal process will be reported as failing. Grades of UW (failure) will be assigned in all courses in which the student is enrolled. UW has the same effect as an F in the student's GPA.



  • * Course has a prerequisite. See the Manchester University Undergraduate Catalog for details.
  • ARR Course meets at an arranged time between professor and student
  • OC Course held off campus
  • ONL Online Course

Course Title: This is the abbreviated course title. The complete title and course descriptions are listed in the Catalog. Courses with an H beside the number are offered as Honors credit only.

Credits: The number in the credit column indicates the semester hour credit granted upon completion of the course requirements.

Core Code: The LA-XXX code refers to the Liberal Arts Core category for which this course fulfills a requirement. If there is no code, no Core requirement is met.

Days/Time: These columns indicate the days and hours the courses meet. M = Monday, T = Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday, F = Friday, S = Saturday, N = Sunday.

Building and Room: Building and room numbers are not included in the schedule. Classrooms are listed on students' schedules in Spartan Self-Service prior to the first day of classes.

Instructor: This column lists the name of the faculty assigned, at the time of publication, to teach the section or course. Changes may need to be made without notice.

Schedule Changes: CHANGES WILL OCCUR. The live/current schedule is available in Spartan Self-Service or via the Schedule of Classes link on the Registrar page. The University reserves the right to cancel classes due to insufficient enrollment.